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Jens Frankenreiter.

Associate Professor
  of Law at Washington
    University in St. Louis


I work at the intersection of business law, contract law, and empirical methods.

My research utilizes empirical methods to study the intersection of business law, contract law, and comparative law. I am particularly interested in the changes that globalization and new technologies visit upon these fields. My work draws on methods from economics, statistics, and data science to improve our understanding of contracting, private and public lawmaking, and legal institutions. A particular focus of my work is on the use of large amounts of texts and other forms of big data. My writing has appeared in leading academic journals, among them the Journal of Legal Studies, the Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, the University of Pennsylvania Law Review, and the Yale Journal on Regulation.


My teaching interests are in business law and at the intersection of law and technology. Together with Holger Spamann, I am the co-author of a Corporations casebook.


Further information about my work is available on my Google Scholar Page and my SSRN Author Page.


If you have any questions, please get in touch. My email address is

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